Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

I did three runs in Alabama with Greg, in the seriously freezing weather (20-30 degrees). We ran twice in a park and once around his high school track. We couldn't track the exact distance but I ran a little less than a mile straight the first day, exactly a mile the second, and a little over a mile the second. I'd guess at the following (each in 30 mins):

Day 1: 2 miles
Day 2: 2.25 miles
Day 3: 2.5 miles

This distance includes walking in between (very slow) jogs. It was actually a bit easier to run in the cold because I couldn't feel my legs. I was very sore after the first run (even in my abs and shoulders) but it got much easier after the first run.


Total distance: 6.75 miles
Best running distance: ~1.3 mi

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